Functional Medicine

Chiropractic Functional Medicine is an exciting approach to medicine that combines chiropractic principles with a focus on using the body’s natural healing abilities. This approach gets to the root causes of health issues rather than simply treating the symptoms.

Chiropractic Functional Medicine is based on the knowledge that the body consists of interconnective systems with interdependent functions. It takes into consideration that individual factors such as lifestyles, genetics, environment, and emotional well-being will impact health and wellness. It combines chiropractic adjustments, functional diagnostic testing and a personalized treatment plan to retore harmony within your body.
Livingston Chiropractic
At Livingston Chiropractic we will record a health history including lifestyle habits, environmental exposures, and current health concerns. When this has been completed we will be able to identify imbalances such as hormone issues, nutrient deficiencies, or gut imbalance that could be contributing to your health issues.

Once we’ve identified the root causes, we’ll develop a personalized treatment plan which could include a combination of adjustments, lifestyle changes, nutritional counseling and dietary changes, exercise recommendations, techniques for managing stress, and our supplements. All of this will make the body better equipped to heal and function. Some of the conditions we address through Functional Medicine are chronic pain, digestive disorders, hormonal imbalance, autoimmune conditions, fatigue, metabolic disorders, and neurological conditions. I focus on finding and treating the underlying causes rather than simply managing the symptoms. Chiropractic Medicine’s aim is to enhance your overall health and your well-being.
The Benefits of Chiropractic Functional Medicine are:


It is a totally holistic approach which considers there whole person and addresses both the physical, emotional, and environmental factors that affect well-being.


It focuses on individualized care because everybody’s journey is unique to them alone. Chiropractic functional Medicine recognizes this, and tailor makes plans that address the specific needs of the patient.


It is a natural healing process that focuses on the body’s ability to heal itself. Once the underlying causes are addressed the body will restore balance and it will start healing with NO reliance on medications or invasive procedures


Chiropractic Functional Medicine emphasizes the importance of preventative care and proactive health management. When imbalances are identified and addressed before they appear as a disease, patients can take the necessary steps to a life of health and vitality.

As you can see Chiropractic Functional Medicine offers a  unique approach to healthcare that combines chiropractic principles with functional medicine. It identifies the root causes of your health issue and ultimately restores balance and promotes optimal wellness. With (a) personalized care, (b) natural healing modalities, and (c) focusing on prevention Chiropractic Functional Medicine will empower you to take control of your health so that you can live active, fulfilling lives

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